Lazy Reading for 2021/02/28

If you enjoy the weekend reading, or even the weekday posts, consider my Patreon.  It’d be nice if it bought me some good coffee.

Your unrelated to anything at all image of the week: Saskatchewan!

In Other BSDs for 2021/02/27

I’ll post reminders day-of for the BUG meetings.

Lazy Reading for 2021/02/21

Today’s date is slightly confusing.

In Other BSDs for 2021/02/20

There’s a lot to catch up on!


Lazy Reading for 2021/02/14

Another informal history theme, not uncommon.

Your unrelated music link of the week: Best electronic music on Bandcamp, January 2021.

In Other BSDs for 2021/02/13

I have a link backlog, yay!

Lazy Reading for 2021/02/07

There’s a few links in here that you could lose hours to.  Those are the best!


In Other BSDs for 2020/02/06

Hardware-heavy this week, sorta.


NYCBUG online Feb 3rd

Michael Dexter will be giving a talk for NYCBUG’s February 3rd meeting (6:45 PM Eastern) titled “Fifteen Years and Fifteen Minutes: Applying Occam’s Razor to FreeBSD with OccamBSD“.   If you want to attend – and you should – email for the Zoom link; the address to email is in the linked message.

(I managed to miss putting this in In Other BSDs Saturday, but that’s OK; you should go cause this is a topic that isn’t covered anywhere else.)