Lazy Reading for 2025/01/19

Quirky, just like I want it.

Your unrelated music link of the week: Where to Start With Tempa, The Label That Invented Dubstep.

Lazy Reading for 2025/01/12

Nice mix this week.

Lazy Reading for 2025/01/05

Happy new year!  I have some history gems in here – not archival material but people that made history, speaking again, now.


Lazy Reading for 2024/12/29

Cleared half my tabs and none of my inbox…  I think I’ll get started on next week’s Lazy Reading right now.

Lazy Reading for 2024/12/22

Terminal thoughts this week.

Lazy Reading for 2024/12/15

I could use a recommendation for a good, cheap registrar to use for domain names; I use gandi and the price has been creeping up.  Any suggestions?

Lazy Reading for 2024/12/08

Unofficial theme: synthesizers!

Your video experience of the week: Hundreds of Beavers.  This was played in a theater in my town months ago and I missed it.  I should have gone to see it on the big screen, but here it is on YouTube.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2024/12/01

No theme but some new-to-me topics.

Lazy Reading for 2024/11/24

Links are from a wide range of sources this week; it’s often a good idea to follow the (via) tags to find even more.

This week’s music: Thank You, Dream Girl.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2024/11/17

I might have cleared my open computer-related tabs for once!

Lazy Reading for 2024/11/10

This is a settle-in-and-read list.

Lazy Reading for 2024/11/03

I don’t have a good link for the SDF item; their mailing list doesn’t appear to have a public archive, or I haven’t found it.  SSH will get you there faster anyway.

Lazy Reading for 2024/10/27

All over the place this week.

Lazy Reading for 2024/10/20

BSD mini-theme.


Lazy Reading for 2024/10/13

Accidental theme: terminal colors.