Lazy Reading for 2018/05/27

Another wide range; hope you have reading time.

Your vector graphics video of the week: TANK.  (via multiple places)

In Other BSDs for 2018/05/26

I have the normal list of links, but here’s a feature.  At first glance, this looks like Netgate, the commercial entity behind pfsense, is not using FreeBSD for their new product.  However, Jim Thompson of Netgate steps up and give a full-on explanation, and points out there’s already code out there to do this – it needs contributors.

Lazy Reading for 2018/05/20

A little more on building and less on rights this week.

In Other BSDs for 2018/05/19

Note the eleventy-jillion hackathon reports.

Your thinkpiece for the week: The cultural shift from not selling out to blowing up.  There’s a BSD analogy possible there.

Lazy Reading for 2018/05/13

I’ve got some real esoteric sources this week.

Your rights-oriented hardware project of the week: NeTV2, a Bunnie Huang project.  A neat device worth funding on its own, and worth having to show what capabilities are being denied us by law.

In Other BSDs for 2018/05/12

This came together very nicely.