Lazy Reading for 2024/06/02

This week, extended commentary on the links.

Lazy Reading for 2023/10/08

I made it through the third major ERP transition I’ve done professionally, and it was successful.  I hope I never have to do another.  Also, I have a lot of open tabs.

In Other BSDs for 2022/03/26

Note the new-to-me book news in there.


Lazy Reading for 2022/03/06

No mini-theme.

In Other BSDs for 2021/07/17

More BUG meetings are happening, which is great.

Lazy Reading for 2021/04/11

Some looks backward to prior links, but in a good way.

Lazy Reading for 2020/12/27

I haven’t had many posts this past week because of a mix of work then holidays. but there’s always Lazy Reading.

Something to read

I have nothing to post about, for the first time in a while, so here is a treat I have been saving: Request for biographies.  (follow the whole thread) It’s a long thread from the SIGCIS mailing list for biographies of various people important to computing/mathematics, and there are some real gems in there.  Your local bookstore or library should have many of these.

Lazy Reading for 2020/09/13

Completed Tuesday, in an effort to reduce tab count in my browser.

Lazy Reading for 2020/09/06

I went esoteric this week, and it was fun!

In Other BSDs for 2020/08/29

No theme, but plenty of variety.


Lazy Reading for 2020/05/24

It’s rare, but I was able to collect most of these links more than 24 hours before you are reading them.

Lazy Reading for 2020/05/10

Emacs and Vim content; I feel like I should always have one with the other.

Lazy Reading for 2020/04/19

I could not come up with a good roguelike link this week, but I am hitting many of my other usual targets.

In Other BSDs for 2020/04/11

BUG meetings are canceled, but this can’t be surprising at this point.

In Other BSDs for 2020/02/22

No theme this week cause I think I hit everything.