In Other BSDs for 2017/03/25

More thinking topics than version changes this week, which is interesting.


In Other BSDs for 2017/03/18

Much better than last week, but there wasn’t any hurricane-force winds this week – which helps.


BSDNow 185: Exit Interview

BSDNow 185 has existing host Kris Moore performing his last episode (because $dayjob) and Benedict Reuschling coming in to replace him.   Allan Jude is unchanged, of course.  As they correctly point out, 185 weeks of on-time video content is a tremendous achievement so far.  This week’s episode is 55 minutes of talking with the old and the new staff.

AsiaBSDCon 2017 and DragonFly networking

Sepherosa Ziehau went to AsiaBSDCon 2017 and gave a talk on his work with DragonFly’s networking.  He’s published a report of his trip, which comes with a link to his paper, his presentation, and pictures of who he met.

Note that the PDF and the Powerpoint slides links are different; one is the paper, one is the talk.  The Powerpoint slides contain the benchmarks linked here in comments, previously.

Network performance comparison

In what can be described as perfect timing, Sepherosa Ziehau has produced a document comparing FreeBSD, several different Linux kernels, and DragonFly, for networking.  He’s presenting it in the afternoon track of Day 3 for AsiaBSDCon 2017, starting later this week.

He’s published a snippet as a PDF (via), which includes some graphs.    The one place Linux outperforms DragonFly seems to be linked to the Linux version of the network card driver being able to access more hardware – so DragonFly should be comparable or better there too, once the powers-of-2 problem is solved.  (This already came up in comments to a post last week.)

Those graphs are available standalone, too, which means it’s easier to see the fantastic performance for latency – see the thin blue line – that seems exclusive to DragonFly.   That, if anything, is the real takeaway; that DragonFly’s model has benefits not just to plain speed but to the system’s responsiveness under load.  “My CPU is maxed out cause I’m doing a lot of work but I hardly notice” is a common comment over the past few years – and now we can see that for network performance, too.

In Other BSDs for 2017/03/04

Slightly short this week, maybe because people are prepping for AsiaBSDCon?   I have plenty of links for tomorrow’s Lazy Reading.

Kernel modules in rc.conf, not loader.conf

The longstanding practice is to load kernel modules in loader.conf, as early as possible.  That’s good, for anything that needs them.

However, that also can be bad.  Your machine can be unbootable if there’s a problem with a module or loader.conf is messed up, since that file is read long before the startup process finishes.  Enter the new alternative: modules can be loaded in rc.conf, and the only loader.conf modules needed are those required by / to mount.

In Other BSDs for 2017/02/25

I measure the success of In Other BSDs by how many different BSD flavors I can reference.  This is a good week.