18 Replies to “BSDNow 198: You can’t handle the libtruth”

  1. That was a really impressive show. Allan Jude really broke down ZFS’s upcoming features better than any professor that I’ve ever had. He’s awesome! DRAID sounds extremely promising.

  2. Given how strong FreeBSD is, why should anyone use Dragonfly?

  3. Maybe asked a different way …. what problem does Dragonfly solve that FreeBSD doesn’t?

    Not meaning to sound like I’m trolling. Genuinely curious. And yes, I’ve read the small website dragonfly has.

  4. Given how strong Linux is, why should anyone use FreeBSD?

    Given how strong Windows is, why should anyone use Linux?

    Given how strong MacOS is, why should anyone use Windows?

    Given how strong Android is, why should anyone use Solaris?

    I tried to break up the pattern at the end there; hope it helps.

  5. I’ll play this game.

    – Storage Admins use FreeBSD because Linux doesn’t have ZFS.

    – Web developers use Linux because they don’t want to pay for the windows license.

    – Corporations use windows over macOS because historically Office won the collobation / productivity game and office wasn’t on macOS.

    – Graphic designers use macos because it historically won with creative software (photoshop, quark, etc) over windows.

    So my original question still stands.

    What target market is dragonfly trying to address and be the best at? Is dragonfly focusing on being the best at network storage, running creative software, running productivity apps?

  6. Justin, but I am asking the question.

    What’s target market is Dragonfly focused on being the number 1 at. Or what problem does Dragonfly solve that other BSD do not?

    OpenBSD targets security minded individuals.

    NetBSD targets individuals who prioritize portability cross architecture.

    Windows for corporate environments due to Office productivity strong hold.

    macOS for creative individuals.

    Etc etc etc.

    Again, question – what market is dragonfly trying to serve?

    I senerely am not trying to stir the pot. I’m genienuly trying to understand.

    Is dragonfly trying to serve the market of hobbist OS? If so, that’s fine too.

    It’s just not clear to me what market it’s trying to serve.

  7. Just for fun, go on openbsd-misc@ and ask them if their primary marketing target is security-minded individuals and see what feedback you get. Or for real fun, go on any BSD list and ask them why they exist when there’s Linux.

    After you’ve done that, look up ‘sealioning’.

  8. Justin

    Instead of you being so self righteous and mocking people like me who are trying to learn.

    Why can’t you just answer the simple question of “what target market is dragonfly trying to address”.

    Seems like it’d save everyone a lot of time if you could just be polite and answer my, granted, noob question.

  9. I don’t think you understand what self-righteous or mocking means, cause I’m doing neither.

  10. Justin

    And yet you still don’t answer a genuinely basic question by a noob outsider who’s trying to understand the DragonflyBSD project …

    … so I’ll ask it for a 5th time (I just counted) … “what target market is dragonfly trying to address”?

  11. Justin

    I don’t even need to ask openbsd-misc@ because on the front page of https://www.openbsd.org they even state why OpenBSD exists (unlike dragonfly which website doesn’t state it)

    >>The OpenBSD project produces a FREE, >>multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like >>operating system. Our efforts emphasize >>portability, standardization, correctness, >>proactive security and integrated cryptography.

    So I’ll ask for a 6th time now. What is the target audience dragonfly is trying to address?

  12. That is not a description of target audience; it is a description of what they’ve done.

    Six times! It is almost as if you aren’t interested putting together an answer on your own. Gosh. This is some aggressive sealioning.

  13. Allen

    From: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/history/

    “A logical continuation of the FreeBSD 4.x series, focusing on simplification and general cleanup of the majority of the kernel subsystems”.

    Key words: SMP scalability, network performance and clustering

  14. you seem to believe that every single operating system aims to please a certain type of customer; while marketing may want you to think that way, that is likely not the case

    here is an example: you said that windows targets corporate environments, what about gamers then ?

    a quick review of the history of macos will definitely make you change your mind as to what kind of customers this system is targeting (it did not come to existence just to please “creative individuals”)

    linux distributions share the linux kernel, the rest depends on the distribution and they address very different needs…

    here’s the point: if you look only at the result, the operating system hardly matters (to use one of your examples, if you really want to, you can use zfs on linux); but then, why do so many different os exist?

    while not necesserily “nonsensical”, your question is merely not relevant in the context of operating systems (it would be if we were talking about marketing of operating systems, but there is no such thing here)

    you said that you read DragonflyBSD’s “small website” but then your ask: “why should anyone use Dragonfly?”
    here is an answer: “DragonFly provides an opportunity for the BSD base to grow in an entirely different direction from the one taken in the FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD series.”

  15. Re:

    >> “DragonFly provides an opportunity for the BSD base to grow in an entirely different direction from the one taken in the FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD series.”


    Thanks for answering my question

    Don’t know why that was so hard for Justin to do.

  16. Allen – he pasted in the text read right off the front page of dragonflybsd.org. Don’t know why that was so hard for you to do.

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