In Other BSDs for 2014/09/27

Not even trying source links this week; there’s plenty else to link.

Update: EuroBSDCon is livestreaming!  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2014/08/31

A relatively trim list for the holiday weekend.

Your unrelated comics link of the week: “Horse.”  One of my favorite single panels of all time.

In Other BSDs for 2014/08/09

A relatively short week; I’m on the move today.

Lazy Reading for 2014/07/20

I spent this week watching an older Cisco ASA slowly lose its ability to see parts of the Internet.  How did I fix it?  pfSense.

Your unrelated link of the week: Avery Monsen’s Vines.  Vines are an excellent way to make a very short comedy sketch.  Infinite Waffles and Break the Silence are my favorites so far.  (via)

In Other BSDs for 2014/07/19

More than the usual source commit messages this week.


NYCBUG: Introduction to Timekeeping, 2014/07/02

I am pasting the announcement verbatim because NYCBUG is having some hardware issues with their mailing list archive.  It’s interesting for both subject matter and because you get to see the inside of  RSVP soon so you can get in!

2014-07-02 – Introduction to Timekeeping, Steven Kreuzer (1500 Broadway enter on 43rd Street, 6th Floor)
Notice: RSVP to rsvp at and bring photo ID. RSVPs must be
received by 2 PM, day-of.


Time is a funny thing. You can spend it, save it, waste it and kill it,
but you can’t change it and there is never any more or less of it.
Everyone knows what it is and uses it every day but no one can seem to
define it.

In this talk I will provide a brief introduction to time, timekeeping,
and the uses of time information, especially in scientific and technical

In Other BSDs for 2014/05/31

Some meaty links this week.

In Other BSDs for 2014/05/24

A relatively calm week – probably because there were many people at BSDCan.

In Other BSDs for 2014/05/17

Some leftovers from last week since I’m catching up, so get ready to read.