Two twitters and a source

If you can produce an article on open source success factors by December 20th, the Open Source Business Resource would like to hear from you.  Also, the audio of a recent NYCBUG meeting is available online.  Both of those links come from Dru Lavigne’s excellent BSD Twitter feeds.  It’s worth watching the BSDEvents one because there’s literally daily BSD-themed events coming up, and she seems to catch every one.

Death of a contributor

Jon Birrell, a contributor to a number of BSD projects (primarily FreeBSD), has died.  His friend and coworker Craig Rodrigues has posted a notice about his death, along with some memories.  It’s always awful when someone dies, but it always strikes me about how when an open source contributor dies, it’s noticed, quietly, worldwide.

More links again

I like linkblogging, especially because there’s been a lot of good stuff floating about:

Messylaneous for 2009/11/07

Where I get more linkbloggy than usual:

BSD working survey

If you use any sort of BSD product at work, the BSD Certification group wants you to take a survey.  They are building a cross section of what people are doing with BSD, and this will show what requirements should go with the certifications.  Any BSD use applies, not just DragonFly.  The more results, the better the tests, and the more value to the certifications, so we all benefit.