Messylaneous: books, conventions, videos, conventions

Link dumps just so I can get caught up.

Messylaneous: SSDs, GPL, HACK, books, UNIX, oldwww

I almost had an all-acronym title, darnit.

Russian BSD?

The publishers of BSD Magazine are planning to launch a Russian issue in September, but they need more native speakers (and writers, and proofreaders, etc.). is the person to contact if you can fit one of those roles.

A new BSD Blog!

Dru Lavigne’s started a PC-BSD Blog.  This is great news – I don’t tend to cover other BSDs because I think there’s enough space in the blogosphere to others to do it.  (and I only have so many hours in a day.)  Dru’s already shown she knows posting, so I’m very happy to see more specific BSD outlets.

Another compilation site, plus me complaining

Dru Lavigne linked to; it’s an aggregate site that compiles the RSS feeds from a number of BSD sites.

It doesn’t list any news from this site.  I had a conversation with “Psyber.Monkey”, the maintainer some months ago and I pointed out that since it was copying posts wholesale, it sounded like I was writing for that website instead of my own, and it didn’t note the source, or even keep my name with my work.  He said he’d address that and remove my copied posts until it was fixed.  It looks like it hasn’t been addressed.

The BSD license (for example) allows for copying work, but it doesn’t allow you to strip the author’s name off the work.  The articles at least link back to the original articles now, but I’d like to see more specific attribution, as is done at other places that quote people’s work, like KernelTrap or even (usually) Slashdot.

I don’t want to sound too cranky about it, as he did reach out and check, which is a first – normally I just see my writing surface on aggregate feed sites, and that’s the earliest I hear of it.

Update: I take it back.

Periodical frenzy!

There’s several publications with new issues out.  It’s a long weekend (in the U.S.) so you can catch up on the reading/listening:

BSD Magazine has a new issue out, on OpenBSD.  There’s also the happy news that they’ve managed to more than double their circulation.

The July issue of the Open Source Business Resouce is out, with the theme “Go To Market”.   Next month is “Interdisciplinary Lessons”, and submissions are due in the next two weeks.

BSDTalk 192 is out with an interview of Colin Percival, the FreeBSD Security Officer.  It’s another interview from BSDCan 2010.  Colin Percival is also responsible for, among other things,, which I find interesting because of its clear and modern business model.

Messylaneous: Reviews, packaging, installers, etc

Link catchup!