In Other BSDs for 2014/09/27

Not even trying source links this week; there’s plenty else to link.

Update: EuroBSDCon is livestreaming!  (via)

Bash vulnerability; check your dports

There’s a new bash vulnerability that could be a problem for a network-facing machine that happens to use bash.  (See here for test.)  As a BSD user, you can feel somewhat smugly superior since the default shell is tcsh and therefore it may not affect you – unless you’ve installed it from dports.

John Marino has already updated dports.  A new binary is forthcoming, though you can always rebuild by hand if you don’t want to wait.

Update: oh, wait, not done.

In Other BSDs for 2014/09/20

Low on the source links this week, but there’s plenty else.

Update: from talk@nycbug, George Rosamond gives a nice APU setup summary.

Lazy Reading for 2014/09/14

I didn’t even notice, because this has been a difficult week for me, but I’ve hit over 6,000 posts on the Digest. I passed the 11-year mark too, a few weeks ago.

Your unrelated video of the week: Tea Making Tips, from England in 1941.  This 60-year-old WW2-era film is actually one of the better how-to-deal-with-tea guides I’ve ever seen. (via)

In Other BSDs for 2014/09/13

This has been a very hectic week for me, but I still have links for you.

Lazy Reading for 2014/09/07

I finished almost this entire thing just on September 1st.  I blame school season restarting.  Speaking of which, O’Reilly’s running a 50% off ebooks sale.

Your unrelated link of the week: the final answer on how to say GIF .  (video source – watch the outtakes, too.)

In Other BSDs for 2014/09/06

Why is it so warm out?  I want autumn to start.

In Other BSDs for 2014/08/30

I went from 1 link to lots all in one night.

BSDNow 052: Reverse Takeover

It’s not about taxes, but reverse SSH tunnels.  Episode 052 is also an interview with Shawn Webb about ASLR in FreeBSD, along with the normal commentary and news.

They also catch BIND’s removal in FreeBSD and OpenBSD, but not in DragonFly, which I just realized I should have linked before.

In Other BSDs for 2014/08/23

Another long list.  These are making my Friday nights take some extra effort.