Return of the JEDI^wGUI!

The index page of the DragonFly site has been updated by Matt Dillon with some notes regarding the status of the 2.8 release. Among these, it is mentioned that the GUI image will be making a return for 2.8! There will be no DVD image this time, only an image suitable for writing to a disk, such as a usb stick.

Firefox really, finally, actually fixed

Matt Dillon and Venkatesh Srinivas conspired to fix another nmalloc issue, which should resolve any remaining problems people were having with Firefox, and possibly other applications as well. Due to an oversight of sorts, all locking operations on nmalloc’s depot were ineffective, as if there were no locking at all. Curiously, it worked remarkably well considering such a large race condition was present.

HEADS UP: structure changes, pkgsrc changes

Two things:

  1. If you are running DragonFly 2.7, Matthew Dillon has made some kernel changes, so updating your 2.7 machine will require a full buildworld cycle, not quickworld.
  2. The binary packages for 2.6 and 2.7 have been updated to pkgsrc-2010Q2.  This means that pkg_radd will automatically pull down newer packages, and you should make sure your /usr/pkgsrc is using the pkgsrc-2010Q2 release if you want to be sure there’s no version mismatches.

I recently sent out a description of what built for pkgsrc-2010Q2 , though the section on not changing the stable link is no longer true.

Oh look, it’s LVM2!

Alex Hornung has imported LVM2 from NetBSD, along with cryptsetup and dm.  (Not dm(8), but devicemapper)  LVM(8) stands for Logical Volume Management, and it makes storage management much easier; you may have encountered it on NetBSD or Linux.  Those additional tools make it possible to encrypt volumes.  Alex has published details on how to use it.

Also: Alex’s not-really-related-but-I -mistakenly-linked-to-it udev/libdevattr work.