More bullets

I’ve got a number of little items, so more roundup:

  • How much disruption happened in DragonFly after introducing a dynamic device system?  Surprisingly, very little, as most of pkgsrc still builds.  Thanks are due to Hasso Tepper for the corrective work.
  • _why makes some very perceptive comments.
  • Jordan Gordeev’s been working on the very difficult AMD64 port as part of his Summer of Code work.  He says thanks for the help, and others reply in kind.  Speaking of which, it’s possible to boot 64-bit DragonFly now, though it’s not production-ready.
GSoC: Midterms!

The Google Summer of Code midterms are almost upon us.  Starting July 6th (that’s next Monday), students and mentors will need to fill out a survey detailing how the project is going.  There’s a preliminary version at Google Docs, so you know what to expect when they go up on the GSoC site.  They will have to be completed by the 13th.

If you’re a student: make sure you have code that shows progress.  If you’re behind schedule, cram.

If you’re a mentor: make sure you are aware of your student’s progress.  If the student’s behind schedule, help them cram.

GSoC 2009: so far for devfs and AMD64

Alex Hornung posted a summary of how his work on devfs is going, and Jordan Gordeev posted a summary of how much AMD64 is functional.

If you want to try either one (warning: many parts still broken!), use a vkernel for the devfs so a physical system doesn’t get broken.  There’s build instructions for pulling together AMD64 DragonFly.

Update: manual instructions for AMD64, too.