
It’s a little late to mention this, because it’s either complete or close to complete, but Matthew Dillon and others have been removing SPL sections in code (there were more than 500 locations) and replacing them with critical sections. This is an important step on the road to Giant Lock-free SMP.

Return to normal

I have a semi-functional electrical system and a partial network up, so regular newsposts should resume. Sorry about the extended hiatus – it wasn’t supposed to take this long!

Google Summer of Code and BSD

Google is running a project called “Summer of Code” where students on summer break can write open-source code and get paid for it. Applications are closed at this point. FreeBSD and NetBSD are participating, along with a host of other excellent organizations. Hubert Feyrer’s blog has some details on the process so far.

DragonFly isn’t participating directly, but if you were itching for something to do, there’s projects available.