Another man page

Stathis Kamperis has written up a man page for objcache.  Stathis is looking for feedback, though Sascha Wildner and Samuel J. Greear have already commented.  More is welcome before it goes in.

(I’m especially happy about the concept of complete man pages, having been frustrated today by a newly installed Linux system that lacked man pages to match the installed drivers or utilities for the intended hardware.  Yeah, I’m talking AsteriskNOW.)

Linkdump, 3/3/09

Happy Cube day!

10 Steps to UNIX Nirvana, not all of which may be useful, but it talks about cscope, which I have heard a number of people rave about.   (via)

– Dru Lavigne posted more open source alternatives, this time including options for the always-a-problem Visio.  (via)

Producing Open Source Software, which I find interesting, and it’s available in dead tree form and as a free download.  This fits with some conversations I’ve had recently.