Sooo very close

The Installer has been made part of the base system. Congratulations are due to the Installer Team (Chris Pressey, Devon O’Dell, Eirik Nygaard, Hiten Pandya & Scott Ullrich), who managed in a few months to crank out a program better than any other non-commercial BSD installer. And there’s more to come!

Dual-console default

Matt Dillon committed code that makes DragonFly computers boot in dual mode – i.e. both the serial console and the video console are active. Use -h at boot to get just serial, and -V to get just video.

kbdmap Kicked, adduser Added

Thanks to Chris Pressey, Tim Wickberg, and William DeVries, the Perl script kbdmap has been replaced with a C equivalent, and adduser/rmuser, also formerly Perl, has been replaced with Bourne shell scripts. These all came from FreeBSD-5.