Multiple CPUs and MySQL on BSD

Joerg Sonnenberger pointed me at a recent post on the NetBSD tech-kern@ mailing list: Andrew Doran did some comparisons of MySQL’s sysbench on a multi-CPU system, with different operating systems. It unfortunately doesn’t include DragonFly, as DragonFly apparently would not boot on that system, but I’m a sucker for graphs.

It also shows generally better performance for NetBSD recently than for a Linux 2.6 kernel. This is interesting in part because MySQL performance on BSD has historically been worse than on Linux.

Details on pcc

Strange as it is to use the words “C compiler” and “excitement” in the same sentence, there’s been a lot of excitement about PCC, the Portable C Compiler, as a faster replacement for GCC. (Previous story here)

There’s a web page for it, and a mailing list, though no mail archive I can find associated with it archived at MARC. (Thanks, Anonymous). The web page has a link to an old PostScript document detailing the original PCC design – there’s something about old Unix manuals from Bell Labs that makes them fun to read.

And of course, there’s always the inevitable Wikipedia page.