23 Replies to “HAMMER2: inital release, next release”

  1. is there a how-to that explains how to intall dflybsd with hammer2 as boot partition ? :-)

  2. I really wish this post had blinking lights or something.

    Might be one of the most inketsnt posts of 2017 for Dfly

  3. Paolo – no, not that I’ve seen. It’s probably possible to do by hand but may be more work than you’d want. I don’t know of plans to add it as an option to the installer, though I assume it will happen at some point.

  4. Reading the commit logs and the “announcement” threads, is a great reminder that “doing filesystems ain’t that easy”. I’m a ZFS on FreeBSD user on primary machines, but getting mirror support for H2 would be a huge step. Has Matt bounced ideas/brainstormed about H2 with some of the ZFS folks? I know Matt’s an intelligent guy, but sometimes having a second set of eyes that know the space can be helpful, in a kind of “Here be dragons” way.

  5. There’s been ZFS discussion on IRC with a variety of people that have come in. For another resource, there was a lot of conversation between Matt and Daniel Phillips about the Tux3 filesystem on the mailing lists and I think on IRC, too.

  6. Is Hammer2 meant to be portable such that’s other OSes can use Hammer2?

  7. Other operating systems could use it, but it would have to be ported – which is possible, but I don’t know of anyone with plans for it right now.

    There was a student looking to port Hammer 1 to Linux, but he did not finish it past I think a read-only driver.

  8. Curious, for fikesystens to become default – how long of testing normally occurrs?

    Is my memory is correct, FreeBSD got ZFS around v8.0 but it wasn’t until v10.0 when it was the default – which was about 3 years after initial release.

    Does that sound about right?

  9. Frank – I think it’s more a matter of comfort level than specific time periods. I suppose looking at how long until Hammer 1 became default would be instructive, but not necessarily conclusive.

  10. With an experimental release of Hammer2 now being included, does that mean the next release of Dragonfly will be version 5.0?

    (Not like version numbers really mean that much)

  11. @Travis

    define “support”. DragonFly supports NVME devices already via NVME(4).

  12. SolarFlame

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought fikesystems need to be radically rethought in order to achieve maximum performance when nvme storage is used.

    Thus why Apple created an entirely new file system recently called APFS.

    Does Hammer2 take nvme into consideration into its design?

  13. Travis – filesystems that expected to be installed on much slower hardware (e.g. Apple’s HFS) may have needed changes – what those changes are I don’t know. Hammer 2 is new so it doesn’t have any 30-year-old assumptions.

  14. What specifically are you referring too that’s “much slower hardware”?

    Do you mean physical hard drives?

  15. @justin

    What “30-year-old assumptions” are you referring too?

  16. Apparently there’s assumptions in older filesystems that is a problem, going by what Travis Dunkel is asking. Ask him, cause he is the one looking for answers on it.

  17. One assumption I can think of is that with spinning harddrives, you want to physically store bits close to each other and on the outer edge of the platter to in sure fast I/O.

    With SSD, that assumption is no longer valid

  18. Sweet!

    LOL regarding physical drives and finding filesystems. :)

    Regarding installing dfly with HAMMER2 as the boot partition, the README file in the install image succinctly explains how to do manual installs with UFS and HAMMER1 boot partitions, so I’d imagine replacing that recipe with HAMMER2 foo would not bee too tough… but then I’m just guessing. :)

    Anwyay, HAMMER2, sweet! Congrats, Matt .et .al.

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