New mechanism: kcollect

There’s a new facility in DragonFly: kcollect(8).  It holds automatically-collected kernel data for about the last day, and can output to gnuplot.  Note the automatic collection part; your system will always be able to tell you about weirdness – assuming that weirdness extends to one of the features kcollect tracks.  Here’s some of the commits.

14 Replies to “New mechanism: kcollect”

  1. I wonder why Matt thought it was necessary to add this functionality.

  2. DTrace has specific probes and is more fine-grained: it lets you know exactly what the kernel is doing. More importantly, it carries its own language and the interface is already popular in Mac, Solaris, FreeBSD, and to some extent linux and NetBSD.

    Brendan Gregg is famous for his approach measuring performance and his flamegraphs.

  3. @Pedro

    those probes only fire when you’re tracing for them, kcollect runs all the time.

    I think it’s better to compare it with Solaris’ kstats. OTOH DFly is already collecting stats via sysctl’s, so why another mechanism like kcollect?

  4. sysctl’s may be already collecting data, but it sounds like kcollect is a “periodic snapshot” of some sysctls, aggregated and presented via a plottable interface. Basically, saving you the trouble of writing a userland that periodically polls a bunch of sysctls and doing the same thing. A quick glance at commit messages at least one mentioned “lockless”, which not all the sysctl interfaces are.
    DTrace is good, but again, requires you to do something in userland to collect and present the data.

  5. @SolarFlame

    Dtrace is also lockless. Yes, you have to collect the data but you can do the same with much better detail and no performance impact.

  6. Serious question. Do people find DTrace useful and a good tool?

  7. For what it’s worth, I think DTrace and kcollect are solving two different problems. kcollect is very light and was written in an afternoon, as far as I can tell, to assist with problem diagnosis in as automatic a way as possible – autocollection, graph generation, etc. DTrace is very capable but it’s a porting effort and a different approach.

    I saw this without directly interacting with either right now, so I could be wrong.

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