8 Replies to “HAMMER2 hardlinks, other work”

  1. 4-5 years? UFS still gets updates from Kirk McKusick, and that’s been around for 33 years… so we have another 3 decades to go on HAMMER2 updates, at least.

  2. Justin

    The Duke Nukem series of games might be the perfect analogy unfornuately for Dragonfly.

    Dragonfly, like Duke Nukem when first released was appauded for its innovation.

    But it then spent 15 years to release Duke Nukem Forever (Hammer2), during which time all of its competitors caught up and surpassed it, then once Duke Nukem Forever was released (Hammer2) – it was received poorly.

    Time kills products unfornuately. The world around you will catch up, swallow you up, and will keep moving on.

  3. Good lord, it was just a video game joke. You don’t have to drive the analogy into the ground just for your own personal axe-grinding.

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