15 Replies to “NYCBSD talk tomorrow night”

  1. Oh, nice. The blog has a new theme.

    It’s been awhile since I’ve been to the site but any chance of some articles on people / companies using Dragonflybsd?

  2. I don’t have the extra time to do more in-depth work like that. I’d like to. That’s something BSDNow or BSDTalk could dive into.

  3. Does Dragonflybsd have any know companies using it?

    E.g. FreeBSD has WhatsApp & Netflix to talk about. (And Yahoo to some extent)

    What marque companies use Dragonfly?

  4. If you go down the slope of saying “this operating system is valuable to me because of the large companies using it”… Just switch to being a fan of Linux. Or more likely Windows. You’re looking for the wrong sort of validation.

  5. Justin

    Just a counter point.

    If NO companies are using Dragonfly, there might be a reason why. Maybe it’s because of missing features, or performance, or stability, etc.

    It’d be good to know why companies select Dragonfly and why companies don’t

    Case in point, WhatsApp & Netflix selected FreeBSD due to how strong that OS is for networked tasks. So FreeBSD differianted itself due to strong networking.

    What’s Dragonfly differianted selling point?

    And whatever dragonfly differianted quality is, we should then rally the community and focus on that feature and market it.

  6. Said another way, Dragonfly (even with it being a great OS) has a gap in its marketing.

    People know FreeBSD for networking. OpenBSD for security, NetBSD for cross platform support.

    We need something for Dragonfly to be known for.

  7. Justin

    I disagree. Just look at:


    When 10 years ago DHH and others were creating all of these videos on how to create a blog. Etc.

    Everyone acknowledges the trouble technical merits of Ruby on Rails with it being slow, blocking, doesn’t scale well, etc (“fail whale” at twitter).

    But marketing own the heart and minds of developers.

    – REDIS

    The creator, Salvatore Sanfilippo, is a very active blogger. Active on Hacker News and Reddit. His accessibility and openness went extreme fair in the early days when Redis was technically inferior to memcache in nearly every way (single threaded, no replication capabilities, etc)

    If Dillon was active in the same forums, I’m sure DragonFlyBSD would get more attention

    The list goes on and on

  8. I don’t necessarily hold either of those up as marketing successes. One’s just a friendly primary developer (which Matt Dillon is) and one is a business product (Rails – note that you can refer to it without even mentioning Ruby) that had no real competition.

    In any case, this is not a useful place for this discussion.

  9. >> “this is not a useful place for this discussion”


    Then why do you have Comments enabled on your blog then?

    People like discussion. They learn things and can hash out ideas.

    But your tone in the last few weeks in the comments has been very adversarial and I’ve been quite surprised.

    I can’t speak for everyone but the comments of late seem to be coming from people who have genuine interest and hope for DBSD to get more recognition.

    Yet it appears you feel like these comments above and over the past few weeks has been challenging you.

    I don’t believe they are.

    I can only hope that MORE discussion of DBSD continues and I hope you don’t turn off comments and this site becomes an open venue for people to discuss freely.

  10. I think you are misunderstanding me. The topic is valuable. Greater DragonFly adoption is useful. But! Commenting about it on a web page where the leading article is on a different subject will not bring about change.

  11. Justin, where do you suggest this discuss to occur? I sit idle #dragonsflybsd and this is a topic no one wants to discuss. Whenever anything remotely of this subject is ask on IRC, no one responds.

  12. What are you looking to do? Even if there were people interested in the topic on IRC, and you brought it up and they all agreed with you – what would change?

    I’m asking a socratic question in an effort to expose the underlying idea: this is open source. Saying “I want X thing to happen” doesn’t make it occur. Making it happen is what makes it happen.

    This is not a problem exclusive to DragonFly or any BSD, really. I’ve seen these conversations happen on openbsd-misc@, for instance, and the reactions are caustic.

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