Lazy Reading for 2014/06/01

I have possibly two weeks worth of Lazy Reading built up here, so sit down and get with the clicking:

Your unrelated comics link of the week: The End of Garfield. I don’t know if this is the original source for the image.


6 Replies to “Lazy Reading for 2014/06/01”

  1. That Unix History Repository might be pretty neat. I wasn’t sure how reliable it would be, but it seems that a few notable Unix and BSD folks have contributed some info to it.

  2. > This sort of thing has happened before, called “Perl 6?.

    Except perl5 is still being developed. 5.20 was released last week.There are still cool things happening on the perl5 front: p5-mop for instance. Or modern web frameworks like Mojolicious. Most newly released perl code is still for perl5. Why? Because of the existing codebase and because perl6 is still not ready. We don’t have a 6.0 release yet. Actually the Python 2 vs. 3 problem is much much worse as python 2 is no longer maintained.

  3. Python 2 vs Python 3 is different for a different reason. Although the code is incompatible, it’s the same project. Perl 6 is basically a fork of Perl 5 with a different direction, like DragonFlyBSD was to FreeBSD. Perl 6 might not be ready for production ( they’re devs would disagree ), but it’s not the next release of Perl as the name would seemingly imply, it’s more of what they felt was the logical continuation of perl. That said, I don’t know what’s going to happen to Perl 5 when they want to bump a major release at some point. Both parties pretty much disown each other. If you took all the perl 5 and 6 users together, it would still only be a fraction of the users of python. I don’t know why perl has lost favor over the years, but it has sadly.

  4. Perl6 is *not* a fork of perl5, it’s a new language designed from the ground up with at least one working implementation rewritten from scratch. Perl 5 will still be maintained as a language, either in its current form or inside perl6 as a slang or otherwise (eg. by embedding the perl5 interpreter into moarvm). In the latter case it’s likely that we will lose support for XS based code on CPAN.

  5. I’m hoping PyPy will become the next Python2 (it also supports Python3). The main missing thing at the moment is C extensions.

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