Holy crap, look at those numbers

Remember the new scheduler work?  Well, it continued, and now Francois Tigeot has posted pgbench benchmarks of the progress and benchmarks of DragonFly vs. other operating systems.  The links are to PDFs; scroll down as each have multiple pages.

The summary result: If you’re running Postgres, you probably want to do it on DragonFly.  The numbers are the best results for any BSD,  even better to some extent than Linux, which has had its own issues with schedulers and Postgres.  DragonFly 3.2 will include these improvements.

7 Replies to “Holy crap, look at those numbers”

  1. Awesome! Hope this trend of performance improvements continues!

    The problem with Linux is that it’s trying to be all things to all people, on dozens of architectures, from phones to desktops to servers to mainframes to TOP500 supercomputers. By focusing on mid-range x64 servers, DragonFly can achieve better performance than Linux in that segment, and then suddenly its usage numbers will skyrocket!

    Perhaps additional performance benefits can be attained by standardizing a server stack of copyfree (permissively licensed, like BSD) components that are tuned to work together: DragonFly/HAMMER2, LLVM/Clang, PostgreSQL, nginx, etc…

  2. What’s very impressive is that DragonFly is now the most scalable BSD platform for PgSQL. Hopefully this will hit osnews/phoronix/slashdot. We should start getting the news out there.

  3. Who would use pgsql? people who care about data integrity?

  4. Who would use PostgreSQL? I do!

    MySQL sucks, and not just because of the restrictive license… PG is the most advanced open source database system, and sometimes SQLite or NoSQL just won’t cut it.

    Maybe 10 years from now computers will be so fast that embedded database libraries would be sufficient (and they would add the missing features), and everything would run on in-browser Web storage (ex. Web SQL Database / Indexed Database API)… But, for now, PostgreSQL is king!

  5. I’d also like to thank CNRS/INSMI, the research organization which provided the machines for these tests. Without its help these tests and the associated performance improvements wouldn’t have been possible.

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