3 Replies to “How did I get there?”

  1. I hope the surprise is only pleasant. :-)

    I started using Tumbler a short while ago, after various levels of dissatisfaction with LiveJournal, and decided it wouldn’t hurt to have the DragonFly BSD account set up. :-)

    Tumbler is pretty nice, BTW; I really like their services due to their fresh approach, the ability to use a custom domain (e.g. tu.cnst.su for my blog) and HTML-editable themes (really easy to use and you can put all sorts of things there), without any membership fees! The ‘Like’ and ‘Reblog’ functions are very interesting, too, gauging immediate feedback from the community.

    Feel free to Follow and /submit, and let me know if you want an invitation to be a DragonFly BSD member (you don’t have to be a member to /submit). If needed, it can be turned into a full-blown community with immediate posts from the members and pre-moderated non-member posts, but for now it’s just an RSS translation from The DragonFly BSD Digest.


  2. hi Constantine, i read your post and i am feeling it long ago that a strong and full
    blown community is needed for Dragonfly BSD.Which should be fully functional and show its full potential as many Linux Communities are doing in running their projects.Also we should have our own ports and packaging system with a pkg installer and will be much better if it should be in GUI as Synaptic.

  3. Well, if you have stuff to contribute, go ahead! I think the best way to go about the DragonFly BSD tumblr account is to use it to reblog interesting stuff from other places (including the automatic RSS feed from this digest). So if you’re a developer and want to be able to reblog your stuff into the account at any time, let me know (your email), so that I can add you to be a DragonFly BSD member on tumblr.


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