5 Replies to “em(4)/emx(4) update in DragonFly”

  1. What’s the most performant network card supported in Dfly

  2. For 1Ge, you have a lot of choices: bnx(4), bce(4) (5709/5716) and igb(4) (don’t use 82575).

  3. Owww, man, I’m stuck with em.4 and re.4. Not in the list, I’m slow then..

  4. If the chip for your em is pcie based, you can try emx(4), load it in the /boot/loader.conf. The interface name will be emxY etc.

    For re(4), well, it’s really only for desktop and laptop consumption. We have deployed interrupt moderation mechanism into the driver, but that’s all.

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