Lazy Reading for 2016/04/10

I’ve finally used up my Lazy Reading links backlog!

Your sort-of off-topic link of the week: Michael W. Lucas’s fiction is, for a short time, part of a larger book bundle which is available for less than the price of buying it all individually.  Buy now if you want a deal/lots of fiction to read.



3 Replies to “Lazy Reading for 2016/04/10”

  1. I use MobaXTerm for connecting to X sessions on OpenVMS. I use PuTTY for everything else. I don’t think most people are going to have that problem though.

  2. Why do you use both? i.e. why not use MobaXTerm for everything?

  3. Its a bit clunky as far as an ssh client goes. I wouldn’t really use it at all if there was a better X server solution for Windows that worked properly.

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