Lazy Reading for 2013/02/03

No theme evolved this week, but that’s OK.

Your unrelated link of the week: MeTube: August sings Carmen ‘Habanera’.  Might be NSFW, probably will make you mildly confused or uncomfortable.  Here’s the ‘making of’ video which is all in German, I think.  If that’s too much, try a recent Cyriak-animated video.  I never thought I’d recommend a Cyriak video as the less disturbing thing to watch.

4 Replies to “Lazy Reading for 2013/02/03”

  1. Inconsolata is a great monospace font. I’ve pared down my list of absolutey essential installs, and it’s on the list. And check out Calluna (which isn’t free, except the Regular face — Beautiful font…. Thanks for the Courier Prime link. “Lazy Reading” and “Post Secrets” are the highlights of my Sundays.

  2. Ha, I’ll have to combine the model of Post Secret and Lazy Reading together:

    “I haven’t upgraded to the latest quarterly pkgsrc release.”

    “Sometimes I post just after midnight but I change the post date so I can feel like I didn’t miss a day.”

    “I keep saying something on IRC just before I walk away from the terminal.”

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