Catchup linkdump

I’ve been traveling the past few days, so there’s a huge backlog of things to post.  I’ll revert to bullets.  Some of this stuff merits individual posts, but I need to clear out too much.  I haven’t even reached my email yet.

  • The July version of the Open Source Business Resource is available.
  • Sometimes I take my roguelike interests too far. (needs Flash.  Via.)
  • Still roguelike: New Nethack variants: Sporkhack and UnNethack, at @Play.
  • Open source only comes in one edition: awesome.
  • X text copying made less likely to fall down: autocutsel.  (via)
  • BSDTalk 176: 13 minutes on the Unbound DNS resolver, with Wouter Wijngaards.
  • OpenBSD imported tmux.  That seems like a good idea.
  • Microsoft really is getting better at open source.  This is something that probably requires more arguing than I have the desire to do. (via)