Lazy Reading for 2017/08/20

This is overflow from last week’s overflow.

Your web game of the week: Sword Shop.  Unity, so not sure where it can run other than Windows, unfortunately.  (via)

4 Replies to “Lazy Reading for 2017/08/20”

  1. Oh, wow! Your digest is usually excellent, but this week you’ve outdone yourself by far. Thank you so much.

    *struggling to add something that will make the comment sound less like generic spam*

    Yeah, I’ve got nothing. Too much of this stuff you linked to is close and dear to my soul. To many more digests!

  2. For anyone who noticed the post-publish edit – I managed to lose the link to the “14 Deadly Sins…” article – which I restored.

  3. Some Unity programs can seemingly be targeted to JavaScript/brower these days so the link you gave works fine on non Windows platforms with modern browsers.

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