4 Replies to “Groff the BSD Goat”

  1. Yup, saw it on BSDnow, the fotoslide Allan Jude made with folks and groff at BSDCan are even on his google+ page https://plus.google.com/+allanjude/posts
    They auctioned off the naming rights at BSDCan and the guy who won called it groff the BSD goat. It is supposed to be brought to every BSDCon possible now (next should be EuroBSDCon?) by being reached from one attende to the next. Prepare for a lot of groff pics in the future.

  2. So…will Groff replace Beastie as the official BSD logo? Randomly, not that I’m complaining, but Fred is a bit less personified than Beastie or Puffy, I mean, no face and all. I like our mascot though.

  3. My Anonymous coward, youre giving it the wrong spin. Nothing will replace the BSD Daemon. Especially not something named after the GNU version of troff. This is merely the goat offered to the demo gods. Photographed with Demi-Gods…

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