The 3.2 release seems to have gone well. Who has tried the new USB support? I’m curious to see how it’s going.
- :syntax Off, about working without syntax highlighting. (via)
- The previous link led me to this .vimrc with by-line explanations. I never get tired of looking at these things, though I also never implement anything out of them.
- 102 FreeBSD Tips. It’s really the contents of the FreeBSD fortune file. Almost all these tips apply to DragonFly, too, and often the other BSDs.
- A tcpdump primer. Always a good tool to know. It’s not as easy to use as Wireshark, but it’s certainly possible to end up with access to tcpdump and not Wireshark, right when you really need to see what’s happening on the network. (via)
- An HTML5-based terminal in your browser. Displays images, runs vim, etc. All that technological growth since 1972 has come full circle to replicate an 80×25 screen again. (I kid; it’s pretty neat.)
- A 6-week cryptography course, free of charge.
- Nothing to do with this operating system, but: Robot DragonFly, an Indiegogo project. (via)
- When you’re young and getting paid to work on open source, you can be surprisingly naive. (via several people)
- I agree with this sentiment about Linuxisms coming from an OpenBSD developer. (via Tomaz Bodzar)
- Someone want to work on ssh-ldap-helper for BSD? It sounds like a very good idea.
- A bunch of free computer books. Ignore the Linux ones; there’s free books for Ruby/Python/Perl there. (via)
Your unrelated link of the week: This roundup of ultrarealist human sculpture. You’ve probably seen Ron Mueck‘s art before, at least.
“Look, I work on something completely irrelevant to popular society (all the Sparc stuff) so I know what his angle is, and I can therefore totally understand why he might want to work on what he does. The difference is I don’t even begin to pretend that my Sparc work is relevant or beneficial to the world at large in any way. It’s just a toy, a joke, something nobody but me and a couple crazy people use.?”
K then, good to know, I guess o_O
USB 2.0 memory sticks work. USB keyboard works (with exception of kernel debugger). USB mouse doesn’t work. I can read from /dev/ums0 — cat /dev/ums0 shows garbage on the screen, but moused and Xorg keep silence. I think they call select() instead of read() or something similar. Simple RNDIS driver works too:)