Pkgsrc binary listing, in order

A resurrected experiment: this local page shows the creation date of each binary pkgsrc package in Joerg’s archive, sorted in reverse chronological order. It’s updated daily. It’s an easy, cheesy way to tell when new packages have been uploaded. (The link for this page is also in the Links list on this page.)

3 Replies to “Pkgsrc binary listing, in order”

  1. It would be nice if there were a script run as a cron job parsing that page periodically and notifying the root about updates via e. g. local mail. If I knew more shell scripting, I’d do it.

  2. How about as an RSS feed? That wouldn’t be too hard, and RSS is pretty common these days.

  3. Yes, I forgot about that one, and there are pretty many RSS readers, great idea. RSS 0.91 should be enough.

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