Two positive notes

Petr Janda linked to a review of the open-source ‘Nouveau’ NVIDIA drivers, which plan to have 3D support. Also, Gergo Szakal found that a recent poll on the Hungarian Unix Portal listed DragonFly as the 4th most popular BSD-based operating system – more popular than NetBSD.

An ‘I told you so’ moment

The binary driver (“blob”) for NVIDIA video cards contained, until recently, a remote root exploit.  Maybe those anti-binary people aren’t completely crazy.  (Thanks, Undeadly)

nfe(4) supported

Sepherosa Ziehau has ported nfe(4), support for NVIDIA PCI ethernet adapters, from OpenBSD, with some changes and improvements.

More patches

Sepherosa Ziehau has two patches for people to try: miibus(4) for network PHY chips and nfe(4), for NVIDIA ethernet controllers.


Emiel Kollof, who at one point had managed to get the NVIDIA binary video driver working for FreeBSD, doesn’t think it’s going to happen again.

Forcing a working nv card

And in another followup, several people pointed at the forcedepth Linux driver (for which I can’t find a link – help!) for Nvidia-chipset network cards as an alternative to get the Shuttle boards working. (previous story) Matthew Dillon’s going to look at them.

Hardware just laying around

If you happen to live in Holland with some spare NVIDIA cards, SMP motherboards, or hard drives, or you live anywhere in the US with a spare laptop that could run DragonFly, then you should be looking at the Donations page.

Crapload of commits

There’s been over 50 commits made in the past two days, including such things as nvidia-driver improvements from Emiel Kollof, a pkill import from Chris Pressey, and wicontrol updates from Joerg Sonennberger.

Rebuilding? Don’t forget modules!

Joerg Sonnenberger is merging some FreeBSD 5.x changes to kobj, which changes the ABI. This means rebuild all modules on your next kernel build. That includes your nvidia driver, too, if you have it.

Emiel’s Eye Candy

usr/share/examples/splash has been committed. This is the logo screen Emiel Kollof made from the DragonFly logo. Emiel Kollof’s also got the NVIDIA binary video driver working; it should show up in dfports.